Even though times are a bit tough and we are all cutting back in our own ways, I think it is important to continue to spend a little, too. Somebody told me that if nobody spends, it only hurts the economy more. We've got to support our horse industry and our local businesses, or they won't be there when we need them and things get better! I have decided that I'm not going to panic and stop spending. Rather, I'm going to spend less and save more. So I'll still be doing my share to contribute to the economy.
That being said, I will still have a wish list of items! Doesn't every horse owner? In terms of tack and equipment, I was inspired by the Buck Brannaman clinic I attended this past fall. Paint Girl ordered herself a new bridle, a treat for meeting a goal she set for herself. I forgot to take a picture of it (Pony Girl forgetting to take a picture is usually unheard of!)

Now on to the items I don't really need, but just W*I*S*H I could get. The if I win the lottery kind of wish list!

Boots. Here comes trouble. I have a darn tootin' decent boot collection for a cowgirl just two years back into riding. I have boots to get me through a variety of cowgirl events, for fashion and horse-riding function. But one always has to have a pair of dream boots on the horizon, right? Here is a pair I've been eyeing for over a year! See, a whole year! I have restraint!

I would also love to have a pair of Lucchese boots. As I mentioned in my last post, my friend got her first pair in Vegas a few years ago and said when she tried them on, she understood what everyone was talkin' about. Here are two styles I found on Cavenders.com that I like. Even though I like square toe boots for riding, I like the classic pointy toe for wearing with jeans. They are simple and traditionally classic!