Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Light! The Light!

Do you remember Tattoo on Fantasy Island....."The plane! The plane!"

Oh goodness, I loved that show!
I was probably too young to be watching it. I remember a mermaid episode. Am I dreaming? Or was there a mermaid episode? I think it was my favorite.

I digress.

Last Saturday I was working on a post at my laptop in my dining room-ish area (too complicated to explain) and suddenly, I looked to the window towards the south and saw the most amazing light coming through the {ghastly vinyl} blinds.

It'd been overcast most of the day. But this light, oh this light. It was glowing a reddish orange, and it was as delicious as a bowl of summer cherries.

I grabbed my camera, threw on a jacket stocking cap and my snow boots (they are the closest thing to my front door. I have not given up hope.) I knew this light would not last. In fact, by the time I got outside, it was already sinking fast, and the rich color was starting to fade.

I have said it before, but there is nothing trying to capture the light in a photo.

I wandered around my yard and snapped a couple photos, desperately trying to find something interesting to shoot. In my yard, it is few and far between.

Silly stocking cap-headed-photographer.

This late afternoon light, I love it. It is so rare, to get that perfect winter's glow.

And there it goes.

Ah well.

The light! The light!

I celebrate it so.


  1. I once nearly ran off the road trying to hurriedly get the most brightly beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. Needless to say, I got the last of it.

  2. And that light is starting to last longer a little bit more every day! I can't wait for the light to be around until 10 at night!

  3. WOW! You really out did yourself this time! Beautiful pictures again. I like the pony one, and the shadow on the wall.

  4. Do you participate in Sunday Stills? You really should, your pictures are wonderful... there's just such a specialness about them, even the "simple" ones. (or maybe I mean especially the simple ones lol)
    The one of the bricks would be perfect for this coming Sunday's assignment/challenge/theme "Texture"

  5. You discovered the "golden hour"

  6. {Paint Girl}~ So true, I love that it's staying a little lighter later! :)

    {cdncowgirl}~ I did Sunday Stills for a few weeks, then just couldn't keep up. Might have to try again sometime soon, thanks!

    {wilsonc}~ Yep, the "Golden Hour"- perfect title!

  7. {Paint Girl}~ So true, I love that it's staying a little lighter later! :)

    {cdncowgirl}~ I did Sunday Stills for a few weeks, then just couldn't keep up. Might have to try again sometime soon, thanks!

    {wilsonc}~ Yep, the "Golden Hour"- perfect title!

  8. Really lovely, almost-wistful images... there is a stillness in the late afternoon that you just cannot match (or capture the same) at any other time.


  9. I run around the house gathering up unwilling people to look at the light in the afternoon. Maizie and Brian get so annoyed with me and I wonder if they see the colors I see!!!! I am obsessed with the west light in winter. Great photos.

  10. I love how soft and warm the light looks in all of your photos! HOping some of that sun reaches us here in MIchigan this weekend! :-)

  11. Beautiful pictures, but wait! Did I see leaves on trees? Ohhhh - what I wouldn't give for some leaves on trees where I'm 7 degrees this morning! Love this post though, the light through the vinyl really is creative and pretty. :)

  12. i know exactly what you are talking about! there are times when there is a beautiful yellow wash outside and it doesn't last long at all and i too try to capture it as well...i did get some great pony pics in november. great pics!

  13. Beautiful shots - I'd say you did quite well at capturing that glow! I especially love the bricks.

  14. Great shots! Makes me wish harder on the stars (which I am still seeing way to early for my liking) for spring.

  15. Oh my goodness, I know exactly how you feel about The Light!! There is a little pasture next door to where our horses live, that cattle are grazed on. When the sun starts setting, if the weather is right, the most amazing light filters through and highlights the cattle's backs and the grass they are feeding on. I have yet to get some shots, but I won't quit trying! P.S. The second to last picture is stunning. Very ethereal and mood-evoking.

  16. I love that light too. A few weeks ago, I was working with Caspian in the arena when the sun started sinking behind the clouds and bathed everything in gold. We stood there leaning against each other just enjoying the light and watching the sun set. Nothin' like it. :)

  17. Ahh Fantasy Island was one of my favorite shows too! We watched it all the time.

    Beautiful photos, nice catch!

  18. Your pictures of the fading light of the ending day have captured the feelings and memories of what is the now..what was today... what could be tomarrow ..what one might never have happen....and maybe what one can't get past...but I absolutely love the pic with your hand on the screen! It is has if you are not wanting the day to end. Love the composition!

  19. Just like all wonderful things in life, the light is fleeting.

    Your words were captivating, like poetry. I liked the photo of the light peeking through your hand the best. It looked like you were wearing a golden ring.


  20. Oh no--I think I just lost my comment. I hate to repeat myself.

    I said how I loved Fantasy Island, too. It came on right after Love Boat--another real winner. I think we're about the same age. And yes, we were probably too young to be watching such smut. ;) Did you ever watch Land of the Lost Saturday mornings? At the time it was such a treat, but I've seen clips since and how ridiculous!!!

    Gorgeous pictures.

  21. When I said I hate to repeat myself, I meant I hate for you to read the same comment twice. Sorry about that. Just reread what I wrote and thought maybe that wouldn't translate well.

    Have a good weekend.

  22. Ya...I know how bad it is to lose the light...actually happened to me a few weeks ago! You know...the "unscheduled overnight mountain stay"!!!

  23. Your pictures are truly awesome.

  24. Beautiful photos! I really enjoy them all.



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