Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Words From My Boy


Aw mom, do I gotta work? I'm really tired. Rough night. The shavings weren't piled quite right in my shed and I tossed and turned all night and THEN Paint Girl's mares were snoring. Puh-lease! I just really, really need a nap today.

Fine. I'll walk around if you insist. But take it easy on me.

You want me to what? Go faster?

Yee-haw, Stinker Girl, don't wave that carrot stick and make "sissing" sounds at me!

(Besides, it's kinda funny,
you're the one doing all the running trying to make me run, mom!!)

Lookeeeee, it's my pretty trot! I'm an Arabian! {Wannabe} With spots and fuzzy hair!

I know, I know. I look like a fancy P.O.A. at best.

Are we done? Are we done? Are we done?


By the way mom, I really need
these trimmed up! Can you take me to the salon now?

Thanks everyone, for your encouraging words and advice about my upcoming lesson. I appreciate the support you've shown for me trying something new!


  1. Glad to know I'm not the only one who hears her horse "talk" lol

  2. Hey Mom, why are you always so mean!!! Don't you just think they act that way sometimes. Great pictures! Like 3 and 4.

  3. He's so cute! And I don't think it was my girls snoring, it had to be the goats!

  4. {Paint Girl}~ Yes, he's cute and he knows it. It's gets him places he should not. And I know better! I just can't resist those ears. :)

  5. Lol, now that's a boy with attitude! Love the captures!

  6. Lovely Post! He is such a nice looking horse. I love his hind-leg action in the trot picture! He must be a nice ride :)

  7. I think MB is just gorgeous, fuzzies and all. You know I'm a sucker for spots.

    WV = aquard
    When your high-falootin' friends do something embarrassing

  8. That third picture he was totally having an Indigo moment. She never bucks on the lunge but she does hops like that the second before blasting into hyperdrive and galloping around me like a maniac. When I use my stick (which is very rare) she gets all speedy and gives me extra gas so I try not to use it. Shes a good girl on the lunge even if she does have her moments of hyper.

  9. I love those whiskers! I just want to rub his sweet face. What a handsome fella!

  10. I love your 'Arabian'! The picture of him trotting is priceless. How could you not adore that boy?

    - Deborah

  11. Lovin' the buckin' pic! So funny - it really is as if he's saying "Yee-haw!"

  12. He looks good for winter!! :) A bit sassy though.

  13. Even tired and lazy he is a handsome dude!

  14. After three hours of drill last night until 10pm, our lady was ready for the spa too!
    Lovely pictures.....
    xoxox, Tiffany

  15. Look at Your Boy frame up! Cool! Now you KNOW he can do it- good for Saddleseat and Dressage!
    You go girl!

  16. Ahahahaha. My horse would sound a lot like that, only with MORE attitude thrown in! Actually, first she would be so happy to see me. Your Boy really is awfully quite (honestly, I've always kinda liked Appys, they have such cute butts). I didn't comment about your saddle seat lesson reveal, but you've definitely inspired me. I've got the number for a Dressage trainer saved in my phone! Can't wait to hear how your lesson goes!

  17. Don't think saddleseat is just for the show ring. I rode TWH in NATRC for several years with my cutback show saddle. It was simply the most comfortable saddle I owned, and easiest on the horses' backs. It was sorta like riding English with a long stirrup. (Note: TWH don't trot, so posting isn't necessary.) I did make one concession for the lack of cowgirl gear - I had the saddle buckstitched!

  18. He is so gorgeous. He is way more than a POA. He's got personality. Love that its from his point of view. Maybe we should all look at it from the horses point of view

  19. My Boy is too cute to make work. A pretty boy like him needs his beauty rest!!!! Poor honey! And Saturday no less!!! What beautiful photos of him.

  20. I love it, I just love coming here and seeing your pretty pony. Your pictures are so lovely.

  21. He's so pretty! Do you think he knows it!

  22. Awwww, leave those little whiskers alone. They can be useful ya know. hehe!
    I love that photos of him as an Arabian. What a handsome boy!


  23. Whew! What a nice pic of the head set. Get him do'in that at a show and he is a winner for sure. Love his spunk. Going to check out some of your horsey friends you have listed before I leave.

  24. OH what great pics!! Your boy was having some pizazz LOL!!

  25. He's so cute! And so right - I often hear my horses laughing at me as I'm running around like a fool trying to get them to move out on the line.

  26. Even if he were a little sassy POA, I'd still get a snicker from looking at him! If I ever met your Boy, I would be very tempted to constantly poke him in all of his spots! They are irresistible!

  27. You have one silly horse there, Ava still does that from time to time. I also loooooove how he looks like an arabian in that one picture, beautiful!

  28. Pony Girl,

    Check your email.


  29. I love narrating animal photos. I wish I had his energy and spunk! When my shavings aren't quite piled high enough I definitely am not that frisky. ;)

  30. He has such a tough life! Love the last shot. So fuzzy


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