The holidays are typically a joyous time of goodwill and good spirits.
Then, sometimes, you hit a wall.

I've been rushing around in a holiday haze. You know, stopping at green lights.
So much to do. Hand making some of my gifts and procrastinating at it.

Last minute errands. Just a quick stop at the mall yesterday proved to send me over the top. I couldn't believe how many people were at the mall at 2:00 on a Monday. When I shop, I am on a mission. I do not do well behind lollygaggers. I walk fast.
One reason I have so enjoyed sharing photos of my Christmas trinkets is because I just have little vignettes set up around my place this year, rather than a full home decor. Why? Because my landlord decided to have some remodel work done in my apartment this week. I will appreciate the work when it is finished, but I am not appreciating the disarray and mess during the holidays. Luckily, I am not hosting family or entertaining guests this year.

Yesterday, I heard the news of young actress Brittany Murphy passing away at the age of 32. Then, I get onto Facebook and learn that a friend of mine from college, age 36, was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago. She is recovering from a mastectomy and starts chemotherapy in two weeks. And....still then, today I hear that my aunt's husband (she lost her first- my uncle Teddy- three years ago) passed away from his battle with cancer. They had two short, but wonderful, years together.
And so, I just started crying. Staring at my computer screen. Perplexed that such a joyous time of year, can also be so sad. My mom posted about this last week. Around the holidays, there is so much loss. So many memories of deceased family members that bubble up. Smiles for remembering the good times. But heartache and tears, still. Sadness that they are not here with us.
Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings.
~Emme Woodhull-Bache

{Fake snow in photo alert! I couldn't resist.}
On to more cheerful things. There is still much, much to be thankful for. And a new year soon on it's way. New promises and hopes and dreams.I sprinkled more photos of my decor throughout this post. I have to tell you a funny story. I intended to cut some greens from the trees on the back of Paint Girl's farm the other day and completely forgot.

I got home and checked in on my email and my Blogger dashboard. I saw a post from The Lettered Cottage. When I went to open wouldn't open. The tab just said "loading"......and flashed that way forever. Which has been typical of my Internet as of late. It gets stuck and won't load web pages. Frustrated, I left the computer, grabbed my gardening gloves and scissors and went out to my yard.

I don't have much in the way of greens on my property. There is this tree/bush thing that looks like an stumpy evergreen and drops these red berries all over my walkway every autumn. The name escapes me. It's the closest thing to "greenery" that I've got. I started snipping it's branches.
I arranged them in an old galvanized milk pail that I got at an antique store over the summer. I wanted to bring them inside, since I don't have a fresh tree. In the chaos of the home improvement project, there just wasn't a space. I moved a pot of dead perennials from a stool beside my front door and put the pail there. Still, it was missing something. I didn't know what to add to it that would be relatively weatherproof. I remembered all the pine cones I had and tossed some into the center.

Back inside, I got my web pages to load properly (after rebooting my computer.) I checked out The Lettered Cottage's post on Christmas decorating. And almost fell off my chair! One of Layla's charming ideas (actually, I think it was her mother's) was to fill a metal mop pail with greenery and pine cones! You can see the post here. I also had filled a silver bowl with moss leftover from my Twilight project, and silvery Christmas balls, which reminded me of a bowl Layla has on her mantel. She shares other thrifty decorating ideas that are just so simple and wonderful. I've been following Layla's blog for a long time and find her and her husband just so adorable.
Well, one thing that helps us get through the rough spots of the holidays.....all the yummies out there. Someone at work gave me a bag of these cookies.

You can't eat just one. They are scrumptious, especially with a glass of eggnog.
Then again, everything goes with eggnog, if you love it as much as I do. Here is the recipe for the cookies:
Chocolate Supreme Crinkles
2 squares unsweetened chocolate- melted
1/4 cup soft butter
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
powdered sugar
Mix all of the above ingredients together and chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours or overnight. Roll into small balls and roll the balls in powdered sugar. Bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes.
I blanketed my pony in a downpour yesterday, as drier, cooler temps are on the way. In fact, Paint Girl, bless her little stinkin' winter heart, may even see more snowflakes. Seriously, I might be moving into her garden shed if she keeps getting the snow and I keep missing out! We don't even live that far from each other, and it's like we live in different climates. Here is a little video of my poor drowned rat boy.
He was being more neurotic than usual. You see, Paint Girl had the veterinarian out earlier that morning to do booster shots on her filly. And My Boy knew something had been up. He could still smell vet in the air. And when I blanketed him inside his run-in shed, instead of taking him out to the normal grooming area, it felt different to him. He was worried about needles, I could just tell. Horses are so funny sometimes!
I am excited, the family is heading to Paint Girl's the day after Christmas so I will get to see My Boy again soon. I'm trying to decide what to get him for Christmas! And, my little cousin is coming along for the ride this year. Quite literally- I am thinking Paint Girl and I might give her some pony rides on My Boy and Brandy, if she wants. I am sure she wants. She is a pony crazy little girl! Surely a photo opportunity!
I hope you are all finding a moment of reflection and peace as we head into the final days before Christmas!
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace. -Agnes M. Pharo