It was a pleasant ride. It has felt good to get out two weekends in a row, and get about 5 hours of riding under our cinches. The horses are well on their way to being in good shape for summer riding.
I am just putting the finishing touches and photos on the final installment of how My Boy became mine. I will post it tomorrow! If you cry easily, get out your Kleenex!
Aria: Chipmunk catcher, let me dress her up, beautiful blue eyes, slept in the sink or fruit bowl, drank water out of the river, napped and slept with me always, quiet, loved Meow Mix, was a good mama (once!) loved to play, even in her old age, followed you around outside like a dog.
After we lost both of our childhood mutts in the same year to old age, my parents talked about getting a new puppy. They were considering a beagle. The had never owned a beagle before. And they have not owned one since. I picked out the puppy at a breeder, as a surprise for my dad for Christmas. After bringing the puppy home and keeping him at my house for one night, I left for my parents' place. Traffic was bad and I got home really late. My dad was already in bed because he was not feeling well. We woke him up with the surprise. Oh goodness, he was surprised! But how could you resist this little guy? Funny, that beagle ending up touching my dad's life in a such a special way. My parents loved that little hound dog, quirks and all.
Riley: food monger, present opener, lap dog, mouse eater, cat tracker, chewed up everything as a puppy, boat dog, beach lover, rolled in dead seagulls (or in anything dead, for that matter) slept on top of you, hated walking on a leash, couch potato, had to sniff everything, under the covers, whimpered with excitement whenever he saw me, bath-hating beagle.
A feral cat outside of my mom's workplace had a litter of kittens in the bushes. My mom and her co-workers fed them. When they were old enough, they found the kittens new homes. My mom ended up choosing a cream puff colored kitten for herself. She named her Snowflake. As she did not imprint on humans at birth, Snowflake was always very timid and shy. Even after 14 years, this cat would really only let two people pick her up: my mom and myself. My dad could pet her. Even though I had moved out of the house by the time my parents had Snowflake, she and I always had a special bond. She would always sleep with me when I came home to visit. My mom and I were with her as she crossed the rainbow bridge last month. It was a very sad day. Snowflake: shy, green eyes, soft mew, outdoor prowess, my mom's princess, loved her belly rubbed, slept on my pillow, hid under the bed or behind the couch when strange people came over, purring machine, loved her old tiger-striped feline buddy, Oliver.
R.I.P my dear animal friends. I miss you and think about you often.
Since I did not post yesterday, I will post again later this afternoon with the story of our crazy trail ride yesterday. Wow, two posts in one day! Can you say, carpal tunnel syndrome? I hope you are all enjoying the 3-Day weekend.
Hey, can you give me that net thing? I see some more muck that needs to be cleaned out of this trough. Figures a goat would have to take charge around here!
My Boy got a scrubbed trough and fresh water, too. Oh goodness, my back is still sore from scrubbing out that tank. I'm afraid it's time to get those free weights back out.
This is how interested My Boy was in helping clean the water trough. Not very. After a nearly three hour ride, he was taking a well-deserved horsey nap under his tree in the late afternoon sun.
I have been working hard on Part Two of How the Appy Became My Boy. I will have it posted soon....by early next week at the latest! Stay tuned!
I love this house. I do not know who lives there. But I say I love that house every time we ride by it. It is on the road we take back into the trail head parking lot. Just think, these trails are in their backyard! I love the ranch style of the house. I'd spend most of my time on that wraparound porch. Watching my cowpoke children playing in the dirt and reading Western Horseman while my cowboy well, um, maybe he's cooking me dinner. They also have some nice Paints and Appy's in their pasture. Hey cool house owners, if you ever want to give your house away, will you give me a call?
Back at the trailer. We have some tired horses and wet saddle blankets. It will take some time to get back into trail riding shape! For this Pony Girl too, who was quite sore today after spending almost three hours in the saddle!
My Boy and his girls are loaded up and ready to go home.
Awww....nothing like getting a hose down on a warm day when you are itchy with sweat. Since my camera has become my additional appendage, my sister was kind enough to squeegee him off for me. Guess what My Boy did the minute I put him in the pasture? You guessed it. A well-deserved roll in the dirt!