Saturday morning was cold. After scraping thick frost off of my windshield, I drove to the Painted Creek for a late morning farrier appointment.
After My Boy was reshod, I turned him out to finish his morning hay. My hands were cold and Paint Girl's OH has started a fire in the woodstove, but I wasn't ready to head inside just yet.
I grabbed the Nikon and took a walk around the property. Bailey, my- er- Paint Girl's dog, always takes walks on the property with me. Typically, he cavorts off into the meadow or woods here and there, on a secret mission of his own.
The big meadow was nothing but decaying grass, heavy with melted frost and littered with deer droppings. I trod through it in my muck boots, unsure I'd find anything interesting to photograph. Admittedly, I didn't see anything with my naked eye, but knew that along with a long-awaited visit with my horse, a crisp autumn walk was just what I needed to unwind from a few very busy weeks.
Then, I stumbled upon these fabulous fungi. I noticed a lot of mushrooms are growing around the Painted Creek these days. Thanks to a record setting amount of rain this autumn, I presume.
What does Bailey see? A deer? I do not know. We continue on.
The once green and toxic bracken fern is now brown, but still standing strong.
Bailey likes to hide in their tall stems, as he continues his stalking mission. He sees something again.

Could it be my pony finishing his hay in his pasture?
Beautiful, brown stained alder tree leaves catch the overcast light and you know me, I can't help but photograph a few.

Always on the hunt for some bokeh.

Here comes Bailey, running alongside the arena. Ready to keep walking, Pony Girl?

We continue on the backside of the arena, and down along the mare's pasture. We stop along the fence between the two pastures to toss some apples inside.
Within seconds of hearing the crinkle of the Ziploc, a fuzzy Appaloosa muzzle with a snip finds them.

We walk wander into the yard, where I spy hydrangeas, a delightful blend of lavender and blue hues. Goodness, how exciting to find a splash of color left from summer, amongst all the green and brown.

The guest room! I have not stayed in it recently.....I'll have to remedy that. I miss Paint Girl's OH's cooking. There trots a golden horse statue in the window.

I cross the lawn, where I let My Boy graze for a bit after his visit with the farrier. More mushrooms. Look closely, you might notice a few Aussie hairs on these ones. I am always amazed at the details my camera captures when I download photos! {click on photos to enlarge.}

Oops. Looks like Paint Girl's OH left these boots outside a little too long. That happens around these parts.

I hope you enjoyed this chilly November walk with me and Bailey!
Bye bye, Bailey. See you next weekend! I'll be getting hay. Which for some reason, always seems to make you so happy, seeing that truck of hay you want to jump up on!