A few weeks ago, the Pioneer Woman had one of her Flickr photography assignments over at her site- on cats. I was excited about this and although I know many, I fell short of finding a cat to photograph that particular week!
However, I had a new cat-sitting gig last weekend for a high-school friend. Her three cats were adorable and very photogenic!
So here is my photo assignment on cats. Better late than never.
The mama cat.
Her son (Morris's body double?)
Her daughter (warning- totally precious kitty eyes ahead!)
Here is the Morganator again. This is one of my favorite shots of Morgan. Or of a cat. Or of any photo I've ever taken, for that matter! I love the expression on her face as she is watching a dog walk across the lawn, the coloring, and the bokeh (background blur.) And the peek of her little curled tail in the background!

A few minutes later, I found her sprawled out like this.
Ah, the life of a feline!
I even climbed onto the log and faced her with my camera, praying she didn't get up and walk towards me (which she often does.) I even told her to "stay." (Not sure why I didn't say whoa?)
I decided to focus on my focus. Depth of field? Really, I am such a rookie! I need to do some reading up on focusing. First, let's see if we can just get those cute little paws, and blur out the rest of her.
Oops. I blurred the paws!
That look on her face? It's like really girl, you're killin' my chillin' time here!
Let's try again.
There they are! Her little white booties!
Goodness- that stay command failed miserably- before long Miss Morgan just had to come over for a visit!
Do you think before too long I may be getting a letter in the mail from Morgan's agent, demanding photo royalties?