Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ranch Girl Diaries

This blog has moved! Actually it has more than moved- it has a new name!

Please gallop over here: Ranch Girl Diaries to get the latest scoop and enter my contest and giveaway!

And please excuse me as I continue to mess with colors, fonts, page elements, and all that silly and frustrating Blogger template design stuff over the next week. One of these days I am just going to hire someone to design my blog for me!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The New Blog!

Well cowgirls, your enthusiasm is contagious! You have me so excited to return to blogging that I am already designing the new blog. I really should be packing in preparation of moving. But blogging is so much more fun! And besides, I work better under pressure. Packing the night before I move....that's how I roll.

I picked out a new blog name that seems fitting and fun. Oh and guess what? The new blog will start off with a contest!! With a fabulous prize you won't want to miss!

So stay tuned, I will post the link to the new blog here, and have my sister Paint Girl post it on her sidebar for me as well.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Howdy Strangers!

Trot on over to my sis's blog Adventures at the Painted Creek Farm for a guest post and life update by yours truly!
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